OKC Carpet Cleaners: Your Go-to Guys for Severe Stains and Wicking

Carpet cleaning in OKC can have different phases, from simple DIY stain removal tasks to all-out fabric cleaning that is best performed by professional carpet cleaners. Most homeowners call upon these professionals whenever they encounter complicated carpet stains and other concerns that cannot be solved through simple means. Such is the case with carpet wicking.

Carpet Stains

Carpeting expert Cheryl Simmons defines wicking as a problem that concerns the multiple layers of a carpet:

“What has happened is what is referred to as ‘wicking’. Wicking occurs when the substance that was spilled on the carpet has soaked through, into the backing of the carpet (and sometimes even the underpad). When you clean the stain, you are cleaning the surface of the carpet. But then the spill that is trapped in the backing and/or underpad can be reabsorbed by the carpet, and make its way up the fiber strands, back to the surface – like travelling up the wick of a candle (hence the name).”

A mild case of carpet wicking is not at all impossible to deal with, provided proper methods are followed. As a preliminary measure, one can apply pressure on the mats to force the stains to rise toward the outer layer. This method entails cleaning the visible stains then placing clean paper towels and books or other heavy objects on the affected spot. Most of the time, the underlying stains will come out and transfer to the towel.

For more serious cases of carpet wicking, however, it would be wise to call upon reliable OKC carpet cleaners. Those unsightly stains can, in fact, lead to costly carpet damage. The underpad, for instance, may have to be replaced if the stains manage to seep through this underlying layer.

In particular, homeowners would do well to choose a trusted carpet cleaning company like Anew Carpet Cleaning that uses quick, fast-drying, and eco-friendly spot removal solutions. Such in-home carpet cleaning solutions are designed to conserve water. In fact, modern carpet cleaning methods no longer require hosing down the affected areas, thereby reducing the impact on the environment and speeding up the entire process.

(Source: Why Do Some Carpet Stains Reappear?, About.com)